When is a good time to start a career? No better time than the present! Ever played the game of Life? Well, to start the game, a person has to choose whether he/she would like to go to College or start a Career. It is easy to choose when the decision is simply to place a car or pawn on a particular spot on the board. However, when the choice is real life, it gets a little more complicated. By society's standards, we should follow life the way we are expected to: elementary school, middle school, high school, college, career and then Family. It does not always play out that way, but as adults, mentors, and parents, we should provide our children with the knowledge and understanding that wasting time is not an intelligent choice. We should give constant examples of the detrimental effects of not taking advantage of the present. We all hate to miss out on that "fresh start." This is the path less chosen.
"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved."-William Jennings Bryan
For the path most often chosen--selecting a career after starting a family; timing for doing so is not exactly as favorable as it use to be. Nevertheless, it is not too late. The truth is, it does not matter what a person's status in life is or whether or not he/she skipped over the whole "perfect" way of living. A career can be started at any time. One of the main reasons an individual does not choose a career from the start is because the cards are not all dealt in the same manner. What cards, you ask? The cards of life. From the moment we are invited into this world, there is a set plan for us all. That plan is to follow the path our parents have in mind for us. Some parents actually have a plan, most decide they will figure one out along the way and well, there are quiet a few who just do not have any idea at all. We still have to follow the design in process.
Very few people are born with a "silver spoon" in their mouths. Therefore, the average person is required to make ends meet on his/her own. Priorities should be set forth; determine what is most important at that moment. Setting goals is important and whatever the choice may be, education and career should be included. Even if they are not first on the list, they should be there. What happens if the choice is to raise children first? Or, what if it is not a choice but an occurrence? Now the decision is whether to try to focus on starting a new career while actively taking care of a family or just give up all together. Late blooming careers are not all that bad. In fact, some find they would not have respected their career choice the same if they had started fresh out of high school or college. Something about maturity. Well, if you are anything over age thirty-five, the lesson of maturity is probably well-learned, with the exception of a few, but that is an entirely different topic.
So, is it possible to obtain a career at a middle or late stage in life? I assure you, it is. Just don't expect the success to come right away. Juggling family and career life requires a few more sacrifices, headaches, and time away from loved ones. Not everyone wants to experience this, but it is necessary. The key is to have an understanding spouse or loved one, if applicable. For single parents, family support would be an excellent option. Giving up is not an option. For every day that we are alive and well, we should seek to do better and live longer--not putting off today for tomorrow.
So you ask, "How do I get started?" Figure out the type of career you are interested and determine the level of education needed, if required. Don't settle for less, but be sure to use the SMART Goal tool when making the decision. The goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely!
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